Half Moon Fort, St. Lucy
During the 1890's there were four public elementary schools in the St. Lucy's Church district namely: St. Lucy's Mixed, St. Lucy's Infants, Durham Infants and the Half Moon Fort Infants.
When the schools in the St. Lucy's Church Dsitrict were organized to bring about the separation of the sexes, in accordance with the recommendation of the Bree Commission (1894 - 1896) the Half Moon Fort Infants School became an all-age girls' school in 1903.
In 1914 following the closing of the Six Men's Boys' School, the Half Moon Fort Girls' School was reconverted into an Infants School and took the younger boys who were twelve years of age from the Six Men's Boys School. The older boys and girls from these two schools were transferred to adjacent schools in St. Lucy and St. Peter.
In 1932, the school was renamed Half Moon Fort Junior School. In 1951 the Government purchased a new site at Clinketts and erected the present building. The school is now known as the Half Moon Fort Primary School. It is a two storey stone building, occupying a site over-looking the fishing village from which it was named.
Beyond the moon to the stars.
To become a dynamic institution that caters to the individual needs of all students where the focus is on learning through a variety of manipulative activities that would help them achieve academic success as well as develop life skills to fit harmoniously into society.
To provide a caring and child centered environment where teachers have high expectations of students thus encouraging all students to maximize all learning opportunities which would enable them to develop a strong knowledge base that would equip them to function effectively in community and in the wider society.
Girls and Boys from afar and near
Come to Half Moon Fort with joy each day.
Serious study, love and fair play
Attention to duty and care to rear
A fort of love, a fort of light
A fort of truth, a fort of praise
A lamp of knowledge buring bright
Our thankful voices we raise high.
Our school to ignorance spells doom,
Within the mind and intellect
Interest awak'ning and success true
All fear dispelling, knowledge blooms through.
Half Moon Fort we'll praise, we'll thank
For our trained minds and progress made
At higher schools or employment
Ourselves to our country and God commit.