Westbury Road, St. Michael
The Westbury Primary School was established as an infant school in 1851, and was then called the Westbury School. By 1887 under the headteacher, Miss Jane Allamby, it catered to boys and girls from ages 5 to 14 years. It was later separated into two schools: the Westbury Infant School and the Westbury Junior School.
A new block was added in 1985. This block was officially opened on May 15, 1985 by the then Minister of Education, The Honourable Billie Miller. The adding of the new block also saw the amalgamation of the two schools under the name Westbury Primary School, with Mrs. Lorna Manderville as Principal.
Only The Best Is Good Enough.
The mission statement of the Westbury Primary School is to provide a caring environment in which children can acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for future learning and to allow them to cope with the challenges of a complex society.
O happy days when the school bell ring,
With voices loud in praises we sing,
In classes set, all quite concerned,
Our lessons well we try to learn.
Some tasks are smooth and some are tough,
Sometimes the going's really rough,
'Tis then we show we've got the stuff,
Only the best is good enough.
Day by day true character we build,
With love sincere our thoughts are filled;
Our joys and sorrows we must share,
Kind thoughts and deeds we all revere.
Day by day true character we build,
With love sincere our thoughts are filled;
Our joys and sorrows we must share,
Kind thoughts and deeds we all revere.
We love our school and teachers too.
And to ourselves we will be true;
In one united band we stand,
And pledge our heads, our hearts, our hands.
Each little link in mighty chain,
Tries hard high standards to attain;
To build a school supremely best,
That stands aloft in every test.
So when school days are long since done,
And life's grim battles have begun;
Our goal and motto still shall be,
The one we learnt at WESTBURY